Thermo acustic basic floating floor

  • Thermal Insulation: Extruded polystyrene (XPS)
  • Acoustic Insulation: Cross-linked polyethylene
  • Finishing: As required

Acoustic Insulation


Thermal Insulation


Noise protection Energy saving


  • DnTw airborne insulation between 55 and 64 dB
  • L’nTw impact noise level between 58 and 42 dB
  • Extended Durability
  • High durability of thermal performance
  • Avoid risks of interstitial condensation
  • High vapor diffusion resistance of extruded polystyrene
  • High resistance to compression
  • Compatible with installations on the ground, it is unnecessary to cast a layer of padding
  • Does not need a vapor barrier layer
  • Installation according to DIT No. 439
  • Application

  • Public or private residential buildings on floors that give to non-heated premises or abroad.
  • Graph

    Technical Requirements

    Thermal insulationDANOPREN® TRRigid sheets of extruded polystyrene (XPS) with high compressive strength and minimal water absorption.Thermal conductivity (EN 12667)λ = 0,033 - 0,037 W/m·K
    Acoustic insulation at impact noiseIMPACTODAN® 5Chemically cross-linked and foamed polyethylene sheet.ΔLW
    19 dB
    4-8 dBA (according to mortar thickness)
    Cementitious screedARGONIV® 420 ÉliteQuick-drying self-leveling mortar.Yield72 kg/m²
    Cementitious adhesiveARGOCOLA® ÉLITE 500Deformable cementitious adhesive C2TE S1.Yield6 kg/m²
    GroutingARJUNT® UNIVERSALCeramic grouting mortar CG2 AW.Yield0,64 kg/m²


    Note: This sheet is included in an acoustic box-in-box system.

    Unit of Work

    Thermal and acoustic insulation on slab in contact with the outside air formed by:
    DANOPREN® TR extruded polystyrene panels, 40 mm thick, with mid-wood perimeter joints, deposited on the slab and protected by acoustic sheet of cross-linked polyethylene and foamed closed cell, 5mm thick, IMPACTODAN® 5, sealed with self-adhesive cross-linked polyethylene tape of 3 mm thick, 70 Overlap tape (Cinta de Solape), mortar at least 5 cm thick separated from the structure and installations by using Peripheral band tape (Desolidarizador Perimetral); ready to install ceramic tiles.
    Installation system according to D.I.T. 439R / 16.

    System documentation download SUF3

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    Project data

    Installation video
