Tips & Advice for Flat Roofs and General Construction

Preventing Ponding on Flat Roofs: DANOSA’s Tips and Techniques

Ponding is the accumulation of water on flat roofs, which can pose additional risks to the integrity of the waterproofing membrane and, ultimately, the structure of the building. Although our membranes are, when installed correctly, designed to withstand temporary standing water, it’s imperative to adopt practices that facilitate efficient water drainage as per the guidance…

Maintaining a Flat Roof: Extend its Lifespan and Ensure it Remains in Good Condition.

Flat roofs are a popular choice for both commercial and residential structures due to their cost-effectiveness and easy installation procedures. As with any roofing system, flat roofs necessitate consistent maintenance to uphold their durability and functional state. By following a set of general maintenance practices, you can ensure that your flat roof retains its efficacy…