Liquid-applied fiber-reinforced polyurethane waterproofing membrane for complex roof details



White 6Kg - 720083
Grey 6Kg - 720082
Black 6Kg - 720081
REVESTIDAN FINISH is a liquid-applied, thixotropic, permanent elastic, fiber-reinforced, cold applied and cold curing, one component polyurethane membrane used for long-lasting waterproofing and for complex roof details. Cures by reaction with ground and air moisture.


  • Zinc plumbing/work fixtures, flashing, edging, drains, etc.
  • On occasions where the use of a blowtorch is dangerous.
  • In areas that are difficult to access or with shapes and/or materials that are difficult to resolve with traditional solutions.
  • PVC and EPDM waterproofing finishes on complex details.
  • Treatment of bituminous waterproofing (SBS and APP) plasticised, sanded and with mineral self-protection.
  • Treatment of bituminous waterproofing finishes (SBS and APP).

Advantages & Benefits

  • Good resistance.
  • Doughy consistency.
  • Little thermal variation.
  • Easy application.
  • Great bonding.
  • Great elasticity.
  • High resistance to weathering.
  • It maintains its properties between -30ºC and +80ºC.
  • Thixotropic.


  • Steel.
  • Plasticised and self-protected asphalt sheets.
  • PVC sheets.
  • Ceramic material.
  • Concrete subsrates.
  • Mortar subsrates.

Instruction for Use

Substrate preparation: Thorough preparation of the substrate is essential for an optimum and durable finish.
  • Type of substrate: REVESTIDAN FINISH is recommended for use on mortar and concrete, steel and aluminium, plasticised, sanded and self-protected asphalt sheets (slate finish) and PVC sheets.
  • Condition of substrate: it must be dry and clean of dust, grease, paint residues, plaster and foreign bodies and any other product that hinders adhesion to the substrate.
  • Preparation of the substrate:
+ Loose or poorly adhered particles, paints, dirt, grease, oils, mortar or plaster laitance, organic substances and dust shall be removed by brushing or sanding. Subsequently, dust must be carefully removed. + The substrate must not be cleaned with water, unless an adequate drying period can be allowed or is forced.
+ If necessary, the surface must be levelled with mortar.
+ In the case of plasticised asphalt sheets, the polyethylene finishing film shall be removed in the area where it is to be applied. To increase adhesion, the asphalt mastic can be melted and then saturated by sprinkling with silica sand (0.4-0.8 mm).
+ In the case of self-protected asphalt sheets in mineral granules, the surface should be brushed prior to application to remove poorly adhering granules.
+ In the case of metallic surfaces, no pre-treatment is necessary. In case of dirt (dust, grease, etc…) sanding and subsequent cleaning with Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) may be necessary.
+ In case of plastic surfaces (PVC, etc…) it is recommended to pre-clean with Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK).
  • Substrate humidity: REVESTIDAN FINISH must be applied on dry surfaces, humidity degree < 5%. In the case of concrete, it must be cured for at least 28 days.
  • Drying time: Depends on ambient temperature, sunshine and relative humidity.
  • Minimum recommended waiting time between coats. One coat should be applied when the previous one is dry.
  • Application tools: Flat brush (40 to 100 mm wide).
  • Application temperature: REVESTIDAN FINISH must not be installed when the temperature is lower than + 5 ºC or higher than + 35 ºC.
  • Substrate temperature: It must be higher than + 5 ºC. Treatment of finishes on bituminous waterproofing: parapets, machinery dwarfs, pipe penetrations, etc.
  • The substrate is prepared according to the above mentioned instructions.
  • REVESTIDAN FINISH is stirred well and slowly with a manual stirrer, never with a mechanical mixer.
  • Apply at least 2 coats according to the following instructions:
+ A first coat of the product is applied using a flat brush 40 to 100 mm wide. The thickness of this first coat shall be 0.6-0.8 mm (approximate yield 1.25 kg/m²).

+ Once this first coat is dry, a second coat of the product is applied to a thickness of approximately 0.6-0.8 mm (approx. yield 1.25 kg/m²).

+ It may be necessary to apply a third coat.
Finishes of different waterproofing in complex details, plumbing fittings/zinc work, flashings, edges, drains, etc: Proceed as above.

Indications and Important Recommendations

  • Store in a dry place, protected from rain, sun, high and low temperatures.
  • Do not use as waterproofing system for buried walls or tanking.
  • Stir slowly with a hand stirrer until homogenised, never use a mechanical mixer.
  • Wear protective gloves, mask and goggles during installation.
  • Use within 9 months from the date of manufacture.

Handling, storage and preservation

  • Contains isocyanates. During application, wear gloves, a mask and protective goggles.
  • Comply with the instructions on the labels and safety data sheets. The product name, date of manufacture, batch number, expiry date, and method of application appear on each can.
  • The product must be stored in a dry place protected from rain, sun, heat and low temperatures.
  • The product can be stored for approximately 9 months per year from the date of manufacture.
  • The product will be used on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Danosa recommends consulting the safety data sheet for this product, which is permanently available at, Knowlegde Portal, or it can be requested from our Technical Department.
  • In all cases, the Occupational Safety and Hygiene standards, as well as the standards of good construction practice, must be taken into account.
  • For further information, please contact our Technical Department.


  • The information contained in this document and any other advice provided, are given in good faith, based on DANOSA's current knowledge and experience when products are properly stored, handled and applied, in normal situations and in accordance with the recommendations of DANOSA. The information applies only to the application (s) and the product (s) to which reference is expressly made. In case of changes in the parameters of the application, or in case of a different application, consult the DANOSA Technical Service before using the DANOSA products. The information contained herein does not exonerate the responsibility of the building agents to test the products for the application and intended use, as well as their correct application in accordance with current legal regulations. The product images used in our communications are indicative and may differ slightly in color and aesthetic appearance in relation to the final product.Orders are accepted in accordance with the terms of our current General Sales Conditions.DANOSA reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, the data reflected in this documentation.Website: E-mail: Telephone: +34 949 88 82 10


  • Colour: White
  • Product code: 720083

Technical Data

Concept Value Standard
Mass per unit area (nominal) (kg/m²) 6 -
Density (kg/m³) 1.32 -
Dureza (Shore A) 65-70 ASTM D 2240
Elongation at break (%) > 250 -
Humedad del soporte (%) < 5 -
Rendimiento total en remates (al menos 2-3 capas) (kg/m²) ~ 1,5 - 3,5 -
Longitudinal & transversal tensile strength (N/5cm) > 4 ASTM D 412
Tensile strength (N/mm²) > 4 -
Temperatura de aplicación (ºC) 5 -35 -
Temperatura del soporte (ºC) > 5 -
Drying times (23ºC and 50% RH). Final drying time (days) ~ 5 -
Tiempos de secado (23ºC y 50% HR). Tiempo para tránsito de personas (horas) ~ 12 -
Toxicity Contiene isocianatos -

Addtitional Technical Data

Concept Value Standard
Adhesion to concrete (N/mm²) > 2 ASTM D 903
Density to 23ºC (kg/dm³) 1.32 -
Water vapor permeability (g/m²) > 20 ISO 9932:91
Resistencia a la presión del agua (1 m.c.a. 24h) No filtra DIN EN 1928